I’m Jackie. Originally from Boston, I’ve lived in Sitka for a little over 10 years. I grew up in MA, VT, Argentina, and also lived in Switzerland, but to me, Sitka is the most breathtaking, inspiring place on earth and it dramatically informs my practice

I teach yoga because I love how it makes you present. I feel that regardless of the pace of your movements or style of your yoga, focusing on your breath and mindfully moving helps you connect with yourself in ways nothing else can. When you’re on your mat, you can set everything else aside, let go. This is why what I offer you is a way to “be away from your day.” When we focus on being in the now, look inward and listen, move in response to what we hear and feel, we find equanimity and balance.  Why is this important? That balance has a ripple effect on every facet of our lives – personal and professional, our physical, emotional, and mental health, and relationship with others. In turn, we can be better members of our families, our communities, and our world. I think yoga is a powerful vehicle for change, transformation and growth.

I teach vinyasa flow, yin yoga, and restorative yoga. I enjoy teaching creative yoga fusion classes that combine different styles of yoga such as Yinyasa – a practice beginning with a slightly faster vinyasa and ending with relaxing yin poses and Slow Flow + Restore,  a style starting out with a slow vinyasa flow and ending with restorative yoga for ultimate restful self-care and grounding. I teach all levels and offer modifications to take poses up or down a notch. I like flows that are fast and slow and believe you can find better alignment and be even more challenged when you really take your time to find your pose. I’ve studied dance and love yoga sequences that feel like a dance, the freedom, creativity, and grace that comes from the movement.
In every class, I offer a theme and a short inspirational poem, quote or reading.

My RYT 200 Hour Therapeutic Yoga Certification in Vinyasa and Restorative Yoga is from Soma Yoga Institute. I studied with Soma in Costa Rica. I have a Yin Yoga Certificate from Jennifer Raye Yin Yoga.

I am pleased to meet you. I look forward to connecting and most of all, to learning about what brings you to the mat.